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Microsoft Odbc For Oracle

카테고리 없음

by fanleculniagrantur 2020. 10. 10. 18:31


Active3 years, 1 month ago


I have an old 32-bit software program that connects to an Oracle database but only works with the Microsoft ODBC driver for Oracle. It does not work with the more up-to-date native Oracle ODBC driver.

Instant Client Downloads for Microsoft Windows (x64) 64-bit See the Instant Client Home Page for more information about Instant Client. The installation instructions are at the foot of the page. Oracle Client-to-Oracle Database version interoperability is detailed in Doc ID 207303.1.For example, applications using Oracle Call Interface 19 can connect to Oracle Database 11.2 or later. Oracle 12c client or the Oracle 12c ODBC Driver (or both). Some report writing tools, such as SAS or Crystal Reports, can use either the Oracle client to access the database directly in its own language, or use the Oracle 12c ODBC Driver to access the database indirectly using ODBC as a type of middle-layer “translator”. For example, Microsoft.

I have installed the Oracle Instant Client (32-bit and 64-bit versions on my 64-bit Win 7 PC), each into different ORACLE_HOME directories.

However when I try to connect via ODBC with Microsoft's driver, I get the error:

The Oracle(tm) client and networking components were not found. These components are supplied by Oracle Corporation and are part of the Oracle Version 7.3 (or greater) client software installation.

You will be unable to use this driver until these components have been installed.

I can connect to the database fine with Oracle's ODBC driver so the install seems fine, but alas this program will only work with Microsoft's ODBC driver.

Since the Microsoft ODBC driver is apparently unable to find the Oracle Instant Client install, how should I tell it where to look?


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2 Answers

Technology used: Windows 7, UFT 32 bit, Data Source ODBC pointing out to 32 bit C:WindowsSystem32odbcad32.exe, Oracle client with both versions installed 32 bit and 64 bit.

What worked for me:

Microsoft Odbc For Oracle

  1. Start -> search for “Edit the system environment variables”
  2. System Variables -> Edit Path
  3. Place the path for Oracle client 32 bit in front of the path for Oracle Client 64 bit. Ex:


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Turns out this is quite simple. You have to set the PATH environment variable to point to the ORACLE_HOME that you want to use.

For me, I edited the PATH to add ;C:oracleinstantclient32_12_1 on the end and it worked perfectly, no restart needed.

For clarification, the C:oracleinstantclient32_12_1 directory I specified contains files like oci.dll and ociw32.dll and belonged to the 32-bit Instant Client install. I guess it doesn't matter for 64-bit, since there is no Microsoft ODBC 64-bit client.


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From Devart:

Microsoft Odbc For Oracle Error

Devart ODBC Driver for Oracle provides high-performance and feature-rich connectivity solution for ODBC-based applications to access Oracle databases from Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, both 32-bit and 64-bit. Full support for standard ODBC API functions and data types implemented in our driver makes interaction of your database applications with Oracle fast, easy and extremely handy. Key Features: - Direct Connection. Database applications based on our solution get an opportunity to establish connection to Oracle by means of native Oracle client software and in Direct Mode. Direct Mode gives your applications an unrivaled advantage - connection to Oracle databases directly via TCP/IP avoiding Oracle Client. That improves performance of your applications, quality, reliability and especially the deployment process, since there is no need to supply additional client software together with your application. - Development Platforms Variety. ODBC driver for Oracle doesn't limit your choice of the development platform and environment. The driver installations are available for various operational systems and platforms. The current version supports Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, both 32-bit and 64-bit. - DB Compatibility. ODBC driver for Oracle supports Oracle servers: 12c, 11g, 10g, 9i, 8i, 8.0, including Oracle Express Edition 11g and 10g. ODBC driver for Oracle supports both x86 and x64 versions of the following Oracle Clients: 12c, 11g, 10g, 9i, 8i, 8.0. Note that support for x64 versions of Oracle Clients is available for 64-bit Windows. - High Performance. All our products are designed to help you write high-performance, lightweight data access layers, therefore they use advanced data access algorithms and techniques of optimization. - Support for Oracle Cloud in the Direct Mode. - Showing meta data for the current scheme option. - Improved compatibility with MS Visual Studio, MS Fox Pro, MapInfo, Libre Office, Qlik, Delphi & C++Builder, MS Access.


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Microsoft Odbc For Oracle Download

From Devart:

Microsoft Odbc For Oracle Download 64 Bit

Devart ODBC Driver for Oracle provides high-performance and feature-rich connectivity solution for ODBC-based applications to access Oracle databases from Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, both 32-bit and 64-bit. Full support for standard ODBC API functions and data types implemented in our driver makes interaction of your database applications with Oracle fast, easy and extremely handy. Key Features: - Direct Connection. Database applications based on our solution get an opportunity to establish connection to Oracle by means of native Oracle client software and in Direct Mode. Direct Mode gives your applications an unrivaled advantage - connection to Oracle databases directly via TCP/IP avoiding Oracle Client. That improves performance of your applications, quality, reliability and especially the deployment process, since there is no need to supply additional client software together with your application. - Development Platforms Variety. ODBC driver for Oracle doesn't limit your choice of the development platform and environment. The driver installations are available for various operational systems and platforms. The current version supports Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, both 32-bit and 64-bit. - DB Compatibility. ODBC driver for Oracle supports Oracle servers: 12c, 11g, 10g, 9i, 8i, 8.0, including Oracle Express Edition 11g and 10g. ODBC driver for Oracle supports both x86 and x64 versions of the following Oracle Clients: 12c, 11g, 10g, 9i, 8i, 8.0. Note that support for x64 versions of Oracle Clients is available for 64-bit Windows. - High Performance. All our products are designed to help you write high-performance, lightweight data access layers, therefore they use advanced data access algorithms and techniques of optimization. - Support for Oracle Cloud in the Direct Mode. - Showing meta data for the current scheme option. - Improved compatibility with MS Visual Studio, MS Fox Pro, MapInfo, Libre Office, Qlik, Delphi & C++Builder, MS Access.